Everything you need to know to design a Winning Marketing Strategy - Neurona Agency Blog
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Everything you need to know to design a Winning Marketing Strategy

Designing an effective online marketing strategy is essential to achieve your company’s goals and objectives in the digital environment.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a beginner in this vast world, creating a strategy can sometimes seem confusing and complicated.

At Neurona Agency we want to share with you the necessary step by step so that you can structure your strategy in an organized way that allows you to be successful with your business.

Defining the Buyer Persona: The First Pillar of your Strategy

The buyer persona, that fictitious client that we create, becomes the fundamental pillar when designing a strategy. Knowing who our actions are directed to is crucial to later define how to act.

Key Factors to Consider: Laying the Right Foundation

Location: Determining where your buyer persona is located is essential. You can be specific, mentioning a city, or more general, opting for a broader geographic area. The choice depends on your objectives and the type of business you manage.

Age: Age plays a crucial role as each age group has a different way of being attracted. The strategy cannot be the same for a teenager as for an adult. You can select a specific age or range depending on the audience you are looking for.

Gender: Targeting campaigns at a specific segment, whether women, men, or both, is an important consideration. Although it is always advisable to create inclusive campaigns.

Occupation: Knowing the occupation of your buyer persona is vital to defining how to execute the strategy. Investigating this aspect in depth will provide you with valuable insights.

Interests: Understanding your audience’s frequent searches, problems, tastes and preferences is essential to adapt your strategy effectively.

Objectives: Identifying the challenges and objectives that your ideal client faces allows you to develop specific solutions and guide your marketing strategy precisely.

Essential Objectives for your Strategy

Any strategy is built on the solid foundation of an objective. This main achievement is the cornerstone that guides the creation and design of all strategies. The key lies in designing objectives in an ideal way, adapted to each business and the specific stage in which it is located.

Our recommendation is that you design your objectives following the SMART strategy.

Essential Objectives for your Strategy

Any strategy is built on the solid foundation of an objective. This main achievement is the cornerstone that guides the creation and design of all strategies. The key lies in designing objectives in an ideal way, adapted to each business and the specific stage in which it is located.

Our recommendation is that you design your objectives following the SMART strategy.

SMART objectives will be the Compass for your Strategy

Specific: Avoid dispersion by trying to accomplish too many things at once. Move forward step by step, achieving one achievement before heading to the next.

Measurable: Make sure your goals are measurable using specific metrics or KPIs. This will allow you to accurately evaluate and quantify your progress.

Achievable: Don’t set goals that are impossible to achieve. Start gradually and grow and evolve as you advance in your career.

Relevant: Objectives must have a real and significant impact on your business. Look for goals that mark a before and after on your path to success.

Set Time:  Set clear time limits for your goals. Depending on what you want to achieve, assign a defined period to achieve it. This provides a time frame that drives you to work efficiently.

These SMART principles not only define your objectives, but also act as a strategic guide to ensure that every step you take is aligned with your fundamental goals.

How to choose Digital channels for your Strategy

Digital channels are the vehicles that will drive our strategy, and we can divide them into three categories: owned media, earned media and paid media. This is pretty much the end point of your planning, and as always, you should tailor these channels to your specific goals and the unique characteristics of your business.

Own Media:  These are channels over which you have total and absolute control. You have created and molded them to your liking, building a community that resides in them.

Which are?

Web page.


Social networks.


Earned Means: Gaining Ground with Effort

Earned Media: This category contains channels we’ve earned through smart strategies, effective tactics, social media engagement, and outstanding customer service. Here, our efforts allow us to gain presence without having to spend money.

Which are?

Content created by your clients talking about your brand.

Links in other blogs or accounts.

Mentions, comments and shares on social networks.

Reviews, testimonials and recommendations.

Paid Media: The Investment That Drives Results

Paid media:  This category encompasses those channels in which we make a financial investment. We pay for our content to reach a specific audience and achieve tangible results.

Which are?

Ads on social networks or Google.

Sponsored events.

Paid collaborations.


Commercials and advertising spots.

By adapting these channels to your needs and objectives, you build a solid and balanced digital strategy that takes advantage of each channel to enhance your presence and achieve your goals.

Forging your Route: The famous Content Plan

After a thorough evaluation of your digital channels and the identification of those that best align with your objectives, the crucial moment arrives to start creating your content plan.

This step marks the beginning of the materialization of your strategy, where each piece of content becomes a strategic tool to achieve your goals and connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

Therefore, so that you can take action immediately, we invite you to visit our social networks and discover some examples of posts and communication that can serve as inspiration in the creative process.

Day Perez

CEO at Neurona agency

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